Holy fire reiki session with profoundly relaxing frequencies using sound healing instruments. Merissa uses a combination of quartz crystal instruments and metal tuning forks of the Ohm octave to assist you to balance your physical, energetic, emotional and mental states.
This is a 75 minute session for profoundly deep relaxation, clarity and insight on any blocks, a restoration of your physical body for healing and immune boosting. The sound frequencies are pure heaven.
Merissa uses a quartz crystal hand held bowl tuned to the note of F for the heart frequency, and several quartz crystal tuning forks for your session.
Tuning forks
Tuning Forks have long been a mainstay of Sound Healing Practitioners. From ancient times, masters and healers have understood that the direct dosing of specific vibrational frequencies was an effective technique to impart the beneficial properties of sound energy.
Tuning forks are the very best means known for producing a specific vibrational frequency. They are reliable, accurate and easy to use. In 2014 Jill Mattson first realized the possibilities for Tuning Forks made from pure Quartz Crystal. The development and eventual successful production of the Crystal Tuning Forks that you will find on this website took years. But, the wait was worth it. The unrivaled ability of quartz crystals to produce the purest frequencies is astonishing. Once struck, the matrix of quartz crystals vibrates in-sync, releasing pure intonations that ring and resonate – maintaining harmonious energy for long intervals.
432 hertz crystal tuning fork
This quartz crystal tuning fork, pitched at 432 hertz, massages the heart chakra with a warm and calming tone and opens intuitive development. Tuning forks create a precise frequency with targeted benefits such as this 432-hertz instrument.
Special tuning forks are used to open and massage chakras, lighten auras, adjust emotional states, relieve pain & stress, clear negative energy, induce relaxation, enhance home feng shui, improve yoga, deepen meditation, provide healing via sound, facilitate inner harmony and serve as a musical instrument.
The 432 tone is not readily available… it cannot be heard on our pianos, as this frequency is between our smallest interval of musical notes. An instrument like a tuning fork must hear this beneficial frequency. 432 hertz has a relaxing and deeply centering impact on the body. The 432 tuning fork creates natural harmonics to resonate with the mind and body, allowing for a more profound and more nourishing experience. Think of the song, Stairway to Heaven, which is written to include this frequency. The song stands apart from others and creates a deeply calming experience. And there is no tuning fork – made of any material – more powerful than the Crystal Tuning Fork offered here!
Meditating with 432 Hz music can be an extremely powerful and effortless way to reach a deep cleansing experience within your consciousness. The 432 fork (held above the head) clears energy pathways, allowing finer and greater amounts of High Energy to enter the crown chakra. It is like “cleansing the information and energy coming into the body and distributing it throughout all energy fields of a person.” Deep healing occurs once the fork is struck, and the base of it is placed on the heart chakra and slowly moved all the way up to the base of the throat.
According to Egyptologists, archaic Egyptian instruments were usually tuned to A=432 Hz. They placed great importance on hearing this frequency. Further, the 432 number is used to design and construct sacred places, such as the Great Pyramid of Egypt. Special number energy was incorporated into sacred spaces to create powerful and transformative temple experiences.
Why did many Ancient Masters value the frequency 432? We know many reasons: This frequency is reflected in ratios of the sun, Earth, and moon, as well as the procession of the equinoxes; Stonehenge and the Sri Yantra, among many other sacred sites, contain this number. For example, the sun is roughly 864,000 miles in diameter (432 X 2=864) and the moon’s diameter is 2,160 miles (432 / 2). Further, there are 864,000 seconds in a day. Many traditional yoga schools teach that all living beings exhale and inhale 21,600 times per day. (21,600 X 2 = 43,200) There are 108 beads in a mala prayer necklace. (108 X 4 = 432). According to science, the optimal number of dimples on a golf ball is 432.
When the famous late rock star Prince was asked thousands of questions on his website, he chose this single one: “Please address the importance of ALL music being tuned to 432 Hz sound frequencies, to which he replied, “The Gold Standard.”
Below is a photo of cymatic images, created from the A = 440 hertz, used in today’s music versus the 432 hertz pitch. Notice the balanced and beautiful shape created by the 432 frequency.
528 hertz crystal tuning fork
The 528 crystal fork massages the heart, amplifying love, and your energy. It makes your energy feel like a fountain of joy. If you are in your head, not feeling love, the 528 doesn’t have that much to resonate with. But even if you are experiencing a little love and heart energy, it will magnify that. All heart-loving energy is magnified, which is extraordinary! This is good individually and with groups! Interestingly, 528 hertz was able to clean pollution from the Gulf of Mexico after the BP Oil Spill.
The fork is louder if you have the same frequency as the fork in your body and aura. The reason for this is that through resonance, energy is amplified. The fork sounds louder as your body ingests this healing frequency. It is as if the 528 frequency bounced back between the crystal fork and the love energy you are feeling, and it keeps increasing in volume. For example, when you don’t have the 528 in your aura, the volume of the crystal fork decreases. When you are feeling love, the 528 fork is louder. Waving the fork in your aura will amplify the joyous and upward feeling of love.
Your aura will have these beautiful frequencies in some places and not others, but just wavering the fork around you fills you up with this healing energy everywhere. Continually allow the crystal tone to stroke your aura; take the vibrating crystal fork up and down your aura 6 – 12 inches from your body until the tone is loud everywhere. It will feel wonderful! And it removes pockets of negativity in your aura and body.
Yin and yang forks are superb for balance. These two crystal forks are like that; one draws you in for healing and one pulls you out for healing. Think of one as creating and massaging low temperatures and the other as providing high temperatures. Speaking of temperatures, going from hot-to-cold, and cold-to-hot has incredible health benefits. Likewise, there are wonderful healings from using both forks.
Sun and moon quartz crystal tuning forks
To balance your yin yang energy flows to restore your ability to take inspired action and receive rest.
All the Universe is a Wave! Everything is energy with a “characteristic frequency”. The ultimate interaction that can occur when the correct frequencies are brought together is resonance, a fundamental property of the universe – and a manifestation of what we are working on here – The Music of the Spheres! It is truly a wonder that harmony exists on the very largest and smallest scales of this Universe. The Sun & Moon Crystal Tuning Forks are unique instruments for reaching this harmony. Gain the majesty of our Star – the Sun – at your fingertips through its expression in a Quartz Tuning fork. Equally amazing, touch the soft mystery of our closest neighbor: Mother Moon.
The Sun and the Moon have always been the dominant celestial objects for Planet Earth. That these bodies deeply influence nearly every aspect of our world is clear. Many scientists believe it is the combination of our Earth’s orbital position around the Sun along with a large solitary Moon satellite that makes life possible on our unique planet. We inhabit the “Goldilocks zone,” where water flows freely in a liquid state – a prerequisite for all life. Our “protector,” Moon, sweeps away most rogue asteroids and comets before having catastrophic impacts on Earth. The Sun pours out an unwavering stream of energy – Sunlight – to power life. The Moon drives the tides, creating a worldwide network of tidal pools, wetlands, and marshes that may have been the cradle of earliest life.
From the beginning – when the first sentient animals gazed at the sky above – they inevitably saw the majestic “Father” Sun and the enchanted “Mother” Moon. These heavenly orbs are indelibly written into our earliest history and religions – carved into our DNA.
The exact frequencies of the Sun and the Moon are not readily available… they cannot be heard on our pianos or any standard musical instrument. To make the powerful frequencies of the Sun and the Moon accessible to all, Jill Mattson worked with a team of craftsmen – skilled in working with Quartz Crystal – to create two instruments (tuning forks) to produce these Celestial frequencies. The Sun’s frequency is strong and uplifting – energizing and empowering. The Sun is the master of our solar system – Dominant and masculine – and it can give great resolve and power to those who absorb it. The Moon frequency is feminine and has a relaxing and profoundly centering impact on the body. Both tuning forks create natural harmonics to resonate with the mind and body, allowing for an enduring, more profound, and more nourishing experience.
Some Basic Applications for the Sun & Moon:
- Use the Sun frequency to energize and uplift
- The Sun Energy can aid confidence and stamina, growth of physical
strengths - Put your Sun Tuning Fork outside to soak in the Sunshine at certain
seasons of the year… gaining fine-tuned benefits… consider the Solstice when the Sun is highest in the Heavens, as well as the Spring & Fall Equinoxes. Noon sunshine is different from sunrise or sunset. - Tune your internal clocks and circadian rhythms with both Sun & Moon Frequencies.
- Use the Moon fork to relieve stress, relax, and sedate – calm down
- For some, sleep can be greatly enhanced with the Moon Tone
- Soften harsh emotions and states of consciousness with the Mansions of the Moon, with her healing and tones to release pain and sorrow.
- Night ceremonies are enhanced with the Moon’s frequency, and so are contacts with certain ethereal beings.
- Leave the Moon fork out overnight during the Full Moons, new moon waning, and waxing moon… each time, your beautiful crystal fork captures slightly different healing energy.
- Any Astrological work where the main influences are due to the Sun or the Moon can be more effective with the presence of these Crystal Instruments.
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